Faith In Deeds


Christmas Decorations, Dancing, and Henna

Our craft, game, and “kid’s stuff”, storage room needed a major cleaning and reorganizing… can anyone else relate? While cleaning and organizing, we remembered that we have some great supplies already on-hand for making Christmas decorations. So we pulled out the popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, pom-poms, markers, glue, and construction paper and had a great time! It’s so fun to see what the kids can create.

Meanwhile, Ashwini did henna designs on the kids’ hands as is an Indian tradition for any celebration. Dancing is also a huge part of our Christmas celebration at the Children’s Home. The kids started practicing their Christmas dances in October. You can see a portion of dance in the video below. We’ll also share some videos after our Christmas programs so you can see them in their full Christmas dance clothes/dresses.

For many of our new children, this is the first year they have ever celebrated Christmas. The crafts and dancing are fun but most importantly we are sharing with them the story of Jesus’ birth: God becoming flesh and dwelling among us that He might redeem us.