Sweet little Kavya (pronounced Kaah-vee-uh) has blossomed into a fun, spunky little girl who is talkative and speaks her mind. She has a big vocabulary for her 3 years. She and our youngest daughter, Satya, have become good little buddies. They play, sing, and boss each other around. They’re a pretty good match for one another. We exist so that little Kavya can be loved and nurtured. So she can be a bold little kid because she no longer lives in fear, but in the freedom of who God created her to be.
The children’s smiles are such beautiful part of working at the Children’s Home, but there is another side to this ministry. In rescuing children from India’s slums we are often faced with evil that I’d rather not acknowledge exists. Sweet little Kavya was crying for her mother’s love and attention when her young mother responded by throwing hot soup at her leaving Kavya with second and third degree burns on her torso. Kavya came to the Children’s Home while her burns were still healing. She was frightened. We got to hold and comfort her and to let her know that she is loved.
The Children’s Home stands in the face of this evil saying you cannot have these little ones. They are safe here. This is their refuge. We do not stand alone, but we trust that you stand with us to continue to be a safe refuge for these children. When you support Faith In Deeds with your prayers and giving, you are the everyday heroes that make sure Kavya will no longer suffer abuse from her mother.
If I’m completely honest though, sometimes I become weary of fighting this fight. So many burdens seem to press in on every side. Recent events have reminded Thomas and I how powerless we are. Dengue Fever has weakened and laid me flat on her back for two weeks. Then Thomas and three boys were in a car accident, a hit and run by a semi-truck that totaled the faithful Faith In Deeds truck. God intervened and we praise Him that no one was hurt. These circumstances show us again that we don’t actually make a refuge for these kids. In reality, other than our choices, nothing is really in our control. We simply follow the One who has made a refuge for us. We cling to Him. Though we face evil in this world daily we are reminded that the battle belongs to the Lord. Our God will fight for us and it’s a good thing because these last couple of weeks I haven’t been able to lift my sword, but the same good Heavenly Father who is a refuge for Kavya is a refuge for me.
"At whatever place you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us there. Our God will fight for us." Nehemiah 4:20 I know in this context Nehemiah is telling the people of Israel to persevere in re-building the city wall of Jerusalem though they were threatened and outnumbered. I take courage that God does not change and if He is calling us into a battle then just show up and He will do the fighting especially on behalf of these precious little ones.